Your warranty and maintenance sorted.

Discover our platform features


Load a build.

Simply enter the site and client details, select either your template or a previous build as your starting point, and select the products you have used from our extensive product library. If a product is missing, you request it, and we will upload it all for you!

Lastly, you can drag & drop files from your system that will be useful for your client in the future.

Product template.

You can select products that you use regularly to build a template, so you don’t have to start selecting products for a new build from scratch. Alternatively, you can select any of your previous builds that are similar as your start point.

Load products.

Gtee currently has over 10,000 building products in its library. If you search for a product and it’s not there, you simply request it, and we will add it to the database and the build you have requested it from. Our database is growing every day!

Upload documents.

You can upload other build-specific info into Gtee. Typically this would include plans, specifications, site-specific warranties, paint colour schedule, and compliance documents. Owners can also upload their own information at any time.

Sub-contractors list.

You can enter the contact details of any sub-contractors you want your clients to be able to contact directly. The most common are the plumber & electrician so they can be contacted in a plumbing or electrical emergency.

Notification history.

Gtee records all the notifications sent to your clients. This includes reminders to log into Gtee for the first time, reminders if they become inactive, and reminders when maintenance falls due or is overdue.

No more confusion about what maintenance they need to do and when they need to do it.